Today I am going to meet with David Suro, he is the owner of "Los Catrines". Los Catrines is a Mexican restaurant in Philadelphia. Earlier in the year my mentor had planned to take Cindi, Malanie and I to the restaurant. Meanwhile, this is a good opportunity because my project is to write a book on successful immigrant people. Mr. Suro qualifies perfectly for my book because he came from Mexico to the USA as an immigrant and by working very hard he now owns his business. Also, he even created his own tequila called "azul" which in English means "blue".
Moving Along,Tequilas got its' start back in 1986 while located at 1511 Locust Street. Owner David Suro, a native of Guadalajara, grew up near agave fields in the state of Jalisco.He went to school with the children of agave farmers and tequila producers. David met his wife, Annette, while working as a waiter in Cancun. He followed her home to Philadelphia and got a job at the only Mexican restaurant in town (El Metate). A year later, he bought out the owner and renamed it Tequilas. That is just a little taste on his biography and how he made it happen.
Through my book I want people to believe that your dreams can become true and Mr. Suro's biography is going to make it happen.I am truly just one step ahead on what is going to motivate many and hopefully published.
Your excitement bristles on the blog page. How many other excellent candidates do you have for your "success" book? I dig the pics on this entry.